Category: weightloss

  • Poverty Cycle

    I wanted to do something to show how much life has changed for me. A few years ago I borrowed my mate Gavin’s mountain bike. I cycled down the road about 3 k total. When I got home I could hardly move, definitely nearly died  walking up the 3 stairs into the house. Now I regularly ride…

  • 2 years ago…

    2 years ago I waddled into the Manukau Surgery Centre to meet Kate, the nurse in charge of bariatric (weightloss) surgery. I was about 190KG, having lost about 20kg. I was approved at this time to have the surgery on June 30 2009. I had to lose about another 10kg. I could hardly walk, I…

  • Amazing the changes

    So far today i have cycled 10k with my 3yr old on the back of my bike, hung 2 loads of laundry, fixed the fence, fixed the garden retaining wall, cleaned the yard, changed the dog water, cleaned my tool bench, fixed a PC. And I’m not at all tired… this time last year I’d…

  • Its been awhile

    Bit of an update: Been doing a bit of cycling on my mountain bike, and i’m up to 10km rides. Tomorrow I am aiming for 15km.. so we’ll see how we get on.

  • So.. what happens..

    Turns out, that losing weight is great. Problem is, I lost alot of muscle mass off my shoulders. Went for a run with the dog. Dog freaked out, I feel over, dog went backwards at 3000 miles an hour, with his lead tied around my hand. Now I have a “sub luxed” shoulder – a…

  • Updated…

    Well, I hit 122 KG today, (269lb for you americans, or 19 stone for the, just realise I have gone for 33 stone to 19 stone) Its really quite amazing, I am now lighter than I have been since I was 20.At high school (13-17), I was between 90 and 110 KG, so its…

  • been a bit concerned…

    because I havent lost weight for a bit. But then, the realisation that since I had the stents out means I have been eating more, and I have been more active, going to the pool and walking the dog etc, means i have been putting on muscle and kinda cancelling out the weight loss. This…

  • food update

    Well, things are progressing in the food stakes. I need to be really careful I am not eating bad food though. I am sitting here eating a slice of burgen toast with about a tablespoon of baked beans on it. Its taken me all week to eat a tin of baked beans and its still…

  • Well,2 days later…

    I cant begin to tell you how much better i feel. No vomiting.. I ate a little bit of sausage last night.. I had a tiny coffee for breakfast.. I’m currently eating half a weatbix and half a pot of yoghurt. I was able to drink well over a litre of water last night too……


    and it feels good.. I finally saw one and they are HUGE.. no wonder i was having isssues… I’ll let you know how I get on without em

  • gotta hate tummy bugs

    First Alex got a tummy bug that made her vomit and poo, then I got it. Now my stomach and chest are sooooo sore from vomiting and coughing, and my back is sore from sleeping in a chair.. its crippling. Ah well, at least its only 4 more days till stents out, then maybe I…

  • phew.. rough few days

    Went and did some work at a customers on monday, and yesterday I went to see the bariatric dietician (who said I was doing fine) and then went to Dad’s office to get some prayer ( I have been vomiting like nothing on earth. My daughter is now too so I am wondering if there…

  • stent removal!

    Well, on the 9th o go into hospital to have the stents removed. At the moment they are blocking the entry to my stomach. They are stopping the valve that prevents reflux and they hurt and make me vomit from time to time, so hopefully some or all of this will stop when they’re gone,…

  • crusin’ along

    Well I visited the bariatric nurse Kate, yesterday, and she was very helpful. I’ve really got to try and drink more water, but I find it really hard. I made it to 1.2L yesterday, which is pretty good for me. I took my nightly meds last night and the stupid pill got stuck on the…

  • kinda breakthrough

    well… i ate some chicken and some mash potato… about 4 teaspoons full, but still, it was GREAT to be able to chew (30x :P) on something after nearly 7 weeks of not chewing at all. Got a call from Kate, the Nurse who started me on this process and she gave me some good…

  • A new week

    Well, I am still shattered. I’ve been out and about a bit but I cant stand for more than 10 mins without coming over all exhausted. Some things I have noticed: 1. When I cough it now makes me sneeze. 2. When I lie down flat its like my stomach has no “lid” on it…

  • Well, Friday!

    I feel a bit better today… and I weigh 146KG. Havent been this weight since the 90’s. I got some meal replacements and stuff, and hopefully it will help get me some energy. I am currently so weak I cant walk up 5 stairs holding a bag. Big let down after the 25 lengths/30 mins…

  • Note From Amber – the cuter half 🙂

    Hi Everyone – just to update you Geoff has had a complication – there was a small leak in his stomach so gas was escaping into his abdominal cavity and causing him alot of pain.  He went to the doctors first thing due to pain low in his abdomen and his shoulder on July 6th…

  • rough day

    Today hasnt been so good. I’m not getting much sleep… sorta 3 hours at a time. Today I had a shower and felt all faint, went and laid down and snoozed and felt better. managed to get down some yoghurt, and if i lie on my back on the couch I feel alot better. Hopefully…

  • First full day at home

    Well, I didnt sleep very well last night at all… went to sleep really quick at about 10:30pm, then woke up at about 12, and couldnt really get back to sleep. My mind was just racing and I couldnt get comfortable, there is only one position to lie in, flat on your back. Got up…

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