Category: bikes

  • I have been playing around with an app called “cymera” for android. It allows you to do some editing, add blur, etc. Seems to do a fairly decent job…

  • Cars vs Motorcycles vs cyclists vs Cars

    So, here it is. Car drivers hate motorcyclists, who hate car drivers, and they both equally hate cyclists, who dont really car about motorcyclists and hate cars. Ironically, a lot of motorcyclists ride bicycles (and drive cars), and yet cant see the same complaints apply to them, as they do to cyclists.. its a bit…

  • Some bike stuff

    A pic of Alex on her first big bike ride (the WIMA ride) And one of me heading up north with the boyz.

  • best compliment of the day

    Riding along out through Mangere on my way back through the airport, got caught by this guy.. As he past me I said “oh there you are” (because I had seen him catching) He said “were you waiting for me?” I said, nah.. I wish..  He took off and I couldnt keep up, until we…

  • best compliment of the day

    Riding along out through Mangere on my way back through the airport, got caught by this guy.. As he past me I said “oh there you are” (because I had seen him catching) He said “were you waiting for me?” I said, nah.. I wish..  He took off and I couldnt keep up, until we…

  • The Italian Bike mirror review

    The Italian Cycling Mirror is an oval shaped mirror with a convex lens that attaches to the bottom of your “drops” (road cycling handle bars) It is adjusted into place then taped with electrical tape to hold it in position, and then it is covered with your normal bar tape. Once you know it is…

  • Lance Armstrong and the Doping Scandel.

    I’ve been reading and listening to all sorts of tripe about Lance and all the others who have been done for doping, particularly from Marc Watson last night on Newstalkzb. He was of the opinion that you could never trust Armstrong again, that his livestrong organisation is just a sham to make him look like…

  • Motorcycle upgrade

    Sold my VL800 and bought a ZXR1100 Kawasaki. Very tidy, heaps of grunt. All original except for the Givi screen. Looking forward to clocking up some kms on it..  

  • Solo Cycling Apparel @solocc

    I saw a write up on a blog about this NZ company that makes retro looking cycling gear.. So… I sent them an email because I am always looking for cycling gear that is bigger, and wondered if they had any. I got a reply back from Paul, the owner. He apologised that they dont,…

  • Fat Bikers Motorcycle club footage

    I used a GoPro from the old mate JD and filmed us riding around. There are three sections here: Kaukapakapa to almost the end of woodcocks Rd, Warkworth Kaukapakapa to WW Woodcocks to the ciderhouse Then Ciderhouse to home. From the Ciderhouse to Home. (to be updated as they are added)

  • Video of a Cycle Commute in Auckland

    This is the route I rode, recorded on the great app, #velodroid and uploaded to   And this is the video – please note that its not normally this mental – 2 close calls (one black truck and one open door): Bicycle Commute from Geoff Gummer on Vimeo.

  • Android Apps for cycling or fitness

    I’ve been using a few different apps lately and trying to figure out which ones I like, so I thought I would record my opinion here. CardioTrainer ( Great app, really reliable, had the occasional problem with it not recording routes because it didnt get a decent GPS lock (phone dependent of course). Doesnt have…

  • Cycle helmets: An overview of the evidence

      from here 1 THE UK’S NATIONAL CYCLISTS’ ORGANISATION Key points: • Cycling is hugely beneficial to people’s health. Those who cycle regularly in mid-adulthood have a level of fitness equivalent to being 10 years younger, and have a life expectancy 10 years above the average. • By contrast, the risks of cycling are not…

  • is Auckland like Copenhagen?

    In a word.. No.   Now, there is a myth that because Copenhagen is flat, its better for cyclists. Well, there is a myth that it is a myth. Fact is, flat land makes a difference. Condensed housing makes a difference (shorter commutes), better cycle paths make a difference, strong voices encouraging cycling make a…

  • First proper ride for awhile…

    I havent done more than the usual commute for a bit.. changed my seat to an ISM ADAMO typhoon, and the new seating position did some weird thing to my knee. It seems to have straightened out a bit now, so I did a 63k ride today. I went out to Puke, via Karaka, then…

  • Links

    Just updated the links on the site with a bunch of Cycling sites. Most of these have rss feeds, which I use to keep me up to date with.

  • Colnago c-59 disk

    Wow, disk brakes on a road bike.. finally! And she is stunning… From Colnago’s website: Colnago have taken a bold step towards the future of road bike evolution with the introduction of the C59 Disc. Featuring fully hydraulic front and rear disc brakes it is set to bring a whole new level of performance and…

  • 2012 Westpac Chopper Ride

    Had a great time today with several hundred other bikers supporting this cause. It’s hard case riding with everything from scooters to harleys, to trikes, and more. As you can see.. a bit of everything there, a harley, a gn250, and just about everything else.. I am really loving these Victorys.They are stunning looking bikes,…

  • Man.. its wicked.

    Last week i cycled 150.19 KM. 40K of that was a fun ride with the old mate, Tom from work. It was a public holiday, so that ride was 16km less than I would have normally done on that day. So effectively on a normal week I do around 170KM (100 or so miles). I…

  • What is a cyclist?

    From Dave Moultons blog..     When a person starts to ride a bike for no other reason than the pure joy of riding a bicycle; the temptation is to want to spread that joy and convert others to become cyclists and discover the joys of cycling. When they resist efforts at conversion, it must…

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