Category: politics

  • The keep religion out of schools (NZ) facebook page

    I have posted on this page a few times, but they keep removing them for some unknown reason. Their main goal, according to the page, is to “keep religious indoctrination out of public schools”. I decided I would post here so my posts can not be deleted by them, and perhaps someone will even read…

  • A perspective on Abortion

    “A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said:  ‘Doctor, I have a serious p…roblem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I’m pregnant again. I don’t want kids so close together.’  So the doctor said: ‘Ok and what do you want me to do?’  She said: ‘I…

  • Well, the Election is done.

    And it looks like we have a National led government. I guess I dont really have an issue with it, except that I dont think New Zealand voted for intelligent reasons. I think we voted out of fear, and thats NEVER a good reason to do anything, unless of course, you’re being chased by a…

  • And Tomorrow We vote

    Its a scary day for us. We dont want the socialist “dark green” lefties in, but we dont really want the useless national party either. What can we do? There has to be a change, no denying that, and we only have one real option. With MMP though, we can “temper” National by giving votes…

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