Who’s allowed to get married?

In New Zealand currently there is a debate about whether gay people should be allowed to be married.

The Christian community is all up in arms about it, saying effectively “Marriage is Christian and gay people are not allowed to get married, because being gay is sinful!” Or some such thing.. I’m sure you know the arguments and stuff that get thrown about.

We should get a few things clear for a start. 

1. Most cultures in the world have some form of marriage – look here for example: http://www.worldweddingtraditions.com/

2. Marriage is by and large, just a legal and/or cultural tradition

3. Marriage is NOT a Christian institution, except when Christian’s are getting married (and even then its doubtful!)

The word “wed” is derived from the Greek word “pledge” – it is a pledge between 2 persons whom want to live together in a long term (life long?) relationship. It only becomes Christian when the pledge includes God. 

One thing I cant understand is why people who do not believe in God want to get married in a Church, with a Minister, and say “Christian” vows.. seems insane to me.


So.. well.. should gay people be allowed to marry? Yes. Why should they not? If a homosexual couple want to live together they should be afforded the same legal protection as anyone else. As long as.. and I mean.. AS LONG AS…

Churches and Christians who perform ceremonies are not LEGALLY OBLIGATED to perform ceremonies. If some gay couple comes to a minister in a church and says we’d like to be married, and we want you to do it.. and he says no, because it is against my religious beliefs. Then they complain to the civil rights organisations or what ever about being persecuted.

In England a Christian lady working in a government agency who refused to issue a marriage license to a gay couple because it was against her religious beliefs, (technically she shouldnt be allowed to do that as it is the legal right for them to get a license and she was not doing her job.. but the sentiment is the same) was fired for “persecuting homosexuals”. If this occurred in the context of the church, it would be terrible.

So, who should be legally allowed to get married? Anyone who is committed to their partner for a long term relationship. They should be afforded all the protections of marriage. 

If Christians want to ban gay marriage because it is a sin, they should also ban marriage between people who have told lies, lusted, got greedy, got jealous, stole something, murdered someone, got angry, had an adulterous thought… etc.. its just hypocrytical.

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