I’ve Been thinking – Proper Stewardship


“Proper Stewardship!”

12th February 2012


Luke 16:11. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? (NIV)


lot of us make the mistake of limiting stewardship to the way in which we handle our money.  Of course it is that; but it is much more.  It actually entails the use of all our earthly possessions. It takes into account how we spend the hours of each day, the use we make of our talents and abilities, how we share our kindness and goodness, and in fact everything God has blessed us with.  Some day we will be called to give account of our use or disuse of these things, as well as the dollars we have spent.


God cannot force us to give up our lives to Him; however He does offer us the greatest gift possible, in hope that His sacrifice will convince us to give ourselves totally to His Kingdom. Greater that all the worldly possessions we could possibly have is the gift of eternal life and His undying love.


He will never abandon us or refuse to help us.  He will never stop forgiving our sins or showing His mercy toward us as long as we are remorseful and apologetic. In fact he promises to never stop loving us no matter what!  All of these blessings are ours, if we will simply accept them with willing and devoted hearts.


Once Jesus has captured our hearts, there will be clear evidence of it in the way that we live. In involves a life of giving out. We become notably kinder and more generous. It is about being willing to give up that which once we prided ourselves was ‘ours.’  We have an attitude of gratitude and whole hearted devotion to the Master. For example, He gives us our life and all the things that can make it worthwhile; and then we give it back to Him, so that He can mold it and make it according to His perfect plan.  If in fact we are prepared to bow before Christ and humbly seek His will, all of God’s riches can be ours.


Do we turn to God each day to confess our shortcomings and to gain new strength to face the temptations which surround us?  There is no more thrilling feeling than feeling the weight of our sins completely lifted from our troubled souls by the loving and ever understanding Saviour.  We are given new strength as we leave our troubles at the foot of the Cross.  We are given power to lead useful, Christian lives as we give more of ourselves than ever before to our great God who loves us. 


To Ponder

Review your stewardship.  Think about how you can improve it.




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